Thursday, January 1, 2009

22 Audiobooks (or "The end is in sight ")

I have just spent some time trawling around The direct link to audiobooks as well as the link on the site did not go through. Project Gutengurg looked interesting and provides a plain text file of titles or a search page at
You can search via Author, title,or ebook number.
Made a brief stop at and this included a mass of collections including everything from Classic Literature, to the CIA's reading room and last in the list is a lot of not in print work from somebody I don't know called Dr Widger.
It seems that almost everything you want is probably floating around the net as an ebook. One of the top choices from the last 30 days from Gutenberg was "The illustrated history of furniture by Frederick Litchfield"
It is great particularly for students to have access to ebooks and many of the sites are free or minimal subscription(donation) but, for a novel I will always go the hard copy.

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