Tuesday, December 16, 2008

21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

I began by shuffling around www.podcastalley.com as got nowhere on the links for the other 2 directories, but there is no shortage of them on the net. I added one to my bloglines from their latest addition called "letters vs numbers" new and classic songs. Moved onto the ultimate in boredom which was the "Great book audio-a chapter a day". I am not overly excited by podcasts as I find I am too easily distracted from audio without an accompnying visual effect. I suppose they could be used in libraries to provide something instructional to the customer. Bombard their eardrums until they give in and join in the activity or club oreganised to meet on a particular day. But, make sure whoever does the talking passes the no mumble/squeaky voice test.

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